Kentucky Court Reporters takes pride in confidently assuring attorneys and paralegals that we are available to provide coverage for their depositions: no matter where they take place, how they take place, or when they take place. This all sounds great. But do we really mean it? The answer is a resounding YES!
Here are just a few ways that Kentucky Court Reporters ensures that we will always be able to cover your depositions.
Kentucky Court Reporters is proud to provide coverage for the entire state of Kentucky. This means whether you need a reporter in Pikeville, Lexington, Florence, Bowling Green, or Paducah, one of our reporters will be ready to hit the road or head down the street to be present for your deposition. We have office located throughout the state with local reporters ready to answer your call.
If you find yourself taking a deposition outside of Kentucky, we should still be your first choice! With offices dotted across the United States, we are prepared to cover depositions nationwide. In fact, we have a dedicated nationwide scheduling manager, who guarantees that we will produce the same quality work that you find here in Kentucky. Your transcript will still be sent through our standard proofing process and sent out from our Kentucky office as usual. Whether it is a deposition in Ohio, Florida, Illinois, Colorado, or Tennessee, Kentucky Court Reporters has you covered!

When the Covid pandemic began in early 2020, we took the lead in offering remote deposition services. You can choose Zoom, WebEx or any other streaming platform and we will host your deposition with that service. We have taken over 80,000 remote depositions. This is a service we offered even prior to Covid. We have hosted IP to IP remote depositions since 2005. This experience allowed us to be fully equipped for remote depositions when they became essential in 2020. All of our reporters are knowledgeable in video conferencing software and are ready to assist you and your witness with the technical difficulties that might arise during your deposition. Even with the return of in person depositions, we have daily been taking remote depositions and will continue to do so.
Although the recent pandemic paused in-person depositions for many, we are ready to cover your in-person depositions whenever they start back again. In fact, Kentucky Court Reporters continued to take in-person depositions throughout the pandemic and did not have one case of COVID-19 spread between a reporter and clients. In person deposition have certainly increased over the last 6 months and our reporters have enjoyed being face to face!

If you are still hesitant being in person for a deposition or if there is a scheduling conflict that prevents you from attending in person, our reporters are equipped to accommodate a hybrid approach. This could be a combination of scenarios but several common ones that we cover regularly. One option is to have the reporter in person with the witness but counsel attending via zoom. Another allows the reporter and taking attorney to be together in a conference room with the witness and opposing counsel appearing through zoom. While these are a few examples, we have done everything in between. Whatever arrangement works best for you works best for us.
We understand that litigation does not stop after 5 o’clock, so neither do we! Over the last two weeks alone, we have had depositions scheduled for 6 a.m., as well as 7p.m. Whether an earlier morning or a later night, Kentucky Court Reporters should be your go-to reporting firm. Whenever you and your witness are available for a deposition, we can guarantee that our reporters will be too.
Our Scheduling team is available to you and your firm 24/7. Plans change and we get that. That is why our scheduling team is ready to adjust and modify your scheduled depositions with no problem. If you find yourself with a deposition near but no reporter scheduled, no worries! This week, we had a firm call us at 8:15 a.m. saying they had forgotten to book a court reporter for their 10 a.m. deposition. We easily had a reporter at that deposition with no one ever knowing that the report had been scheduled an hour and 45 minutes before. This is a common occurrence that our scheduling team is ready for! In Louisville and Lexington areas, we can have a reporter to you within 15 minutes. For out of state, we can have a reporter within two hours or less. There is never a reason to panic about last minute, we are to cover your deposition any time.